Tooth Bonding Chapel Hill, NC

Tooth Bonding An Overview

Tooth bonding can be used to address restorative and cosmetic dental concerns. An economical, quick and relatively painless procedure, tooth bonding is appropriate for children and adults and can be an alternative to more advanced cosmetic treatments such as porcelain veneers.

Dr. Cook will work with you on an individual basis to ensure that tooth bonding will meet your aesthetic goals and blend naturally with your smile and overall appearance.

smile makeovers in chapel hill nc

Tooth bonding is often recommended to treat:

  • Chipped teeth, cracked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

Tooth bonding can provide an instant smile makeover for patients with minor cosmetic concerns and serve as a short-term solution for younger patients who may need more advanced and permanent dental restoration after their permanent teeth have fully erupted. Although not considered a permanent dental restoration, tooth bonding can last many years with proper dental care and good oral hygiene.

Tooth Bonding What to Expect

The tooth bonding procedure is similar to a dental filling and typically completed during one visit to Tarheel Family Dentistry. Dr. Cook will prepare the tooth or teeth to be treated by removing a very small amount of tooth surface. Known as etching, this creates a varied surface so the composite material can adhere properly to the tooth/teeth.

After color matching the material, Dr. Cook will skilfully sculpt the composite resin to the surface of the tooth for a natural appearance. He will work with you during the process to ensure that your bite is not affected and the bonded material feels natural and comfortable. Once complete, the surface will be cured with a special light and polished for a smooth texture.

Visiting our office for routine dental care and a good daily oral hygiene routine at home will help maintain the integrity of your tooth bonding for up to 10 years or more.